An All-in-One consulting and supporting platform for businesses

Find the right consultancy, mentorship and expertise for your unique business needs with just clicks. All is done simply like you shop online

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Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a leader of a running business, Kounselly Consult connects you to services offered by consultants and experts who are ready to bring a wealth of experience to the table.

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Whether you are an expert in the industry or a talent with skills, join our network and share your expertise to support businesses and those in needs, while earning extra and building your reputation.

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Finance Management

People Management

HRM and OD




Innovation and Change

Innovation and change



IT & Cyber Security

IT and Cybersecurity

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How it works

For Startup and SME leaders who are:

For Experts, Consultants or those with high-demanding skills who:

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Find consulting, mentoring, and expertise services for your unique business needs simply like you shop online.

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Find consulting, mentoring, and expertise services for your unique business needs simply like you shop online.

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