Criteria for a trustworthy business management forum

How to recognize a trustworthy business management forum?

There are many business management forums, however, the qualified and trustworthy ones are limited. So, which will be a qualified and trustworthy business management forum?

The consequences of joining unprofessional business management forums

Unprofessional business management forums are those that lack organization or a leader to lead. Or they may lack an individual or an organization with the suitable capability and expertise to manage (in terms of content, format, materials, etc.) Basically, these forums are only places for people to gather and talk about business management without any verification of the content. Not to mention, many people only see advertisements or recruitment posts after joining these forums and communities. There are no valuable and useful articles for members or advice shared on these forums. As a result, this will create a waste of time or incorrect information for members, leading to serious consequences for companies that apply.
Meanwhile, people seeking forums and communities to join are usually young people with less or no experience. They will not know how to choose the qualified ones. Consequently, they will join most of the forums on social media without distinguishing the good and bad ones.

Criteria to recognize qualified and trustworthy business management forums

Not only young people who are interested in business management, but also young startups, small and medium businesses, and new leaders, will need prestigious business management forums to join – where they can freely express their concerns and problems and receive useful and qualified advice. (You may also be interested in is it necessary for startups to join forums for business management and entrepreneurship )
To find such a forum, you should pay attention to the followings: 

1. Having an organization to lead and an administrator to review and approve posts before and after posting.

Having an organization to lead is very important, especially for open forums where anyone can join and contribute opinions. All questions and posts by members need to be reviewed and approved strictly by the administrator and those with false, misleading, negative, and unsuitable posts will be removed. Members who upload those posts are even listed on the blacklist of the forum and locked from joining the forum. Besides, after filtering posts that are out of the forum’s focus and directions, posts continue to be administered. At this step, reviews and feedback from experienced users will be used to ensure that only qualified posts remain on the forum. Posts that receive negative feedback from users show inaccuracy in the knowledge and expertise will be removed from the forum. Business management forums with these criteria and filtering processes will have qualified and focused content to create value for members. As a result, one member asks but many receive the expected answers!

2. Having members to ask and experts to answer

Normally, the reason people join the business management forum is to seek advice and consultancy in business management for their businesses. However, if the forums only have these members, who will give advice and provide consultancy?
Having members to ask and experts to answer
Therefore, a qualified business management forum will have both businesses and young people who ask questions, and verified experts and consultants who answer those questions and give advice.

3. Having an effective information security system

This is also one of the important criteria for a trustworthy business management forum. Besides public questions that all members can access, as business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs, you may have questions you want to ask experts privately and need experts to keep confidential of the shared information. Thus, a trustworthy business management forum needs to have not only an effective information security system, but also verified experts, functionality to ask private questions, and a guarantee for information confidentiality.
Kounselly a marketplace and community for business management and entrepreneurship

The business management forum that you need, Kounselly can provide!!!

Proud to be the pioneer in building integrated platform for multiple functionalities: A consulting marketplace for Experts, Consultants and Entrepreneurs, SMEs to connect and exchange consulting services. A forum and community for businesses and those who love business management and entrepreneurship to connect, exchange information, knowledge, and experience, and ask and answer questions from the top experts in the country and all over the world, helping businesses to solve their problems. Kounselly is confident that we will bring you a powerful and qualified business management forum to strengthen your knowledge for sustainable growth and support you across your entrepreneurial and business journey!

See also: What is a Business Accelerator?


We should not stop seeking advice and lessons during our business establishment and development. Therefore, keep yourself alert and wisely choose a qualified and trustworthy business management forum, to pave the way for your steady journey in the future.

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