What is the biggest hurdle that you encounter on your entrepreneurial journey? A lack of capital? A lack of experience? A lack of knowledge and expertise? A lack of direction? Or a lack of motivation? Why do people start at the same point, but some can gain a lot of experience to prepare for their success, meanwhile many others are still being lost in their chosen path? That’s why, we – the young entrepreneurs need a trustworthy and prestigious Entrepreneurship Forum and a community to exchange information and learn from each other.
A good Entrepreneurship Forum would encourage your development
Starting up needs encouragement
Starting up is not a simple financial story. The theory of effectuation suggested 5 behavioral principles of expert entrepreneurs. One of them is affordable loss. According to this principle, expert entrepreneurs will be aware of the level of risk they can accept when defining market opportunities. And then they will act within that risk level. This means that if we have $10, we can invest $5. The reason is to prevent us from being bankrupt if the investment does not go well as we expect. We also accept to lose that $5 and consider it as a fee for a lesson learned.
However, on starting up, most people will act upon casual logic. Accordingly, we will aim for a big goal and will plan big steps and act to achieve that goal. As a result, the investment will be over the $10 that we have, or put simply, we do not know how much would be enough. Consequently, we will lose everything, and what remains is only plan on paper, or even worse, our debt.
The market is evolving constantly, and starting up has a high failure rate. But that does not mean we have no successful opportunities. However, fewer people have enough resilience to keep such a small hope to move on. That is because of their fear of failure.
So, on our entrepreneurial journey, sometimes what we need the most is the encouragement that “I can do it”

A trustworthy entrepreneurship forum – a source for encouragement
A prestigious and trustworthy entrepreneurship forum will help you access a community of companions. These people are always empathizing with you, willing to share and support you, and exchange information for your mutual development. They are not only your companions but also mirrors for you to reflect on and learn different entrepreneurial lessons. You can learn both “how to be successful as your friends?” and “how to overcome obstacles, difficulties, and mistakes that your friends had before?”
An Entrepreneurship Forum, where you can gain knowledge and lessons learned that you never find in books
On the current prestigious entrepreneurship forums and communities, we will see the presence of consulting experts – the seniors with years of experience and expertise. They are willing to give you advice and lessons for your daily development.
Particularly, what you learn is not only knowledge but also their vision, view of the world, and the way they recognize and solve entrepreneurial problems. Consequently, you will gradually have an overall view of business and entrepreneurship. And visionary people will never be disadvantaged on the business journey.
However, you only receive valuable knowledge and lessons if you join prestigious forums. In these forums, there will be administrators to frequently filter and strictly review the posted content. Consequently, all the shared and posted content are qualified and valuable.
Alert corner: Recognize sales groups under the name of entrepreneurship forums

Not all entrepreneurship forums and communities are prestigious and trustworthy. Only by clicking the enter button, you will see hundreds of groups and forums for startups on your screen. It is very difficult for you to recognize which is the prestigious one and which is not, only by their name. However, you can easily recognize the good and bad ones after joining or after reviewing the content on those forums.
If your forum:
- Have no administrators
- Have inexperienced and unqualified administrators
- Have no organization to represent to ensure the forum’s legal status
- Posted content is not filtered, moderated, and reviewed well
- Over 80% of the content is about sales advertisements
- Over 50% of the course content is redirected to a certain training course, without the diversification in knowledge or professionals to review
- Members are mostly young people, and there is no consulting expert member.
This kind of forum is definitely an untrustworthy one.
(See also: How to recognize a trustworthy business management forum?)
It will be very hard for you to succeed without support from a trustworthy entrepreneurship forum and community, especially when there are many people using social media as a trick to sell products these days.
If you have determined to follow the startup journey, be willing to extend your network, then unhesitantly search and select deserving entrepreneurship forums and communities to join. Or if you are still confused about choosing a trustworthy and prestigious forum and community, believe in Kounselly and join us – where you will have opportunities to connect and extend your network, a preparation for your success.